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Break free from Emotional dependency

🎬 Are you a Bollywood fan? 🎥

As much as we love watching romantic movies and singing along to the catchy songs, we need to remember that some of the storylines promote unhealthy relationships and unrealistic expectations. Have we ever felt like we can’t live without someone? Do you feel like you constantly need their validation and attention to feel good about yourself? That’s called emotional dependency, and it can have serious consequences on our mental health and relationships.

🤝 Let’s talk about it and support each other! Here are some tips to help us break free from emotional dependency:

1️⃣ Recognize the signs: feeling anxious when you’re not with your partner, neglecting your own needs and hobbies, losing your sense of self, etc.

2️⃣ Understand the root cause: past traumas, low self-esteem, fear of abandonment, etc.

3️⃣ Build your self-esteem and confidence: focus on your strengths and accomplishments, practice self-care and self-compassion, surround yourself with positive people.

4️⃣ Communicate your needs and boundaries: be honest with yourself and your partner about what you want and don’t want in a relationship, learn to say no and respect your limits.

🏆 Remember, it’s not about being selfish or unloving, it’s about valuing ourself and our well-being. The Pyramid of Trust shows that a healthy relationship is based on mutual respect, communication, and trust. By taking care of yourself and setting healthy boundaries, you can build a strong foundation for any relationship.

📹 Check out this free video resource by Acharya Prashant for more insights and tips on emotional dependency: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F3Z4cuYFko
In this video, they discuss the origins of emotional dependency, how it can manifest in our lives, and offer practical advice on how to overcome it.

📞 If you need more support or guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Indian Ocean Events. We believe in promoting well-being and empowerment through our events and services. Call us at 0610913132 or visit www.indianocean-events.com to learn more.
#bollywoodwellness #mentalhealthawareness #pyramidoftrust #selflovejourney #healthyrelationships #emotionalindependence #breakfree #indianoceanevents #supportgroup #empowerment #AcharyaPrashant
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